Annual BBQ enjoyed by all.
The club BBQ was held on Saturday the 29th July. Over 55 people were treated to the usual faire of chicken, burger and bangers with baked potato and side salad. Desert was BBQ'd bananas and ice cream with sprinkles of crushed Maltesers. This was a first for many and thoroughly enjoyed. Will be having them again.
Once the food was finished a few members participated in dance floor boat races which was entertaining for those watching too.
The evening was a huge success due to the spontaneous efforts of many club members who cooked food on the BBQ’s, served drinks at the bar, cooked and prepped food in the kitchen, sold raffle tickets and organized the after dinner games. A BIG thanks to all.

Next social will be a Pimms and Gin evening on the 25th of August 2023. We are also hoping to have an evening of live music in the very near future.
See everyone soon.