Llandudno Sailing Club 2025

Sailing Instructions

1              RULES 

1.1         Racing will be governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the prescriptions of the RYA, the rules of the appropriate classes, except as any of these are changed by these sailing instructions, and by these sailing instructions. 

1.2         The Management Committee of Llandudno Sailing Club shall be the Race Committee. 


2.1         Any change to the sailing instructions will be posted on the Sailing Notice Board as early as possible before the race. 


3.1         Notices to competitors will be posted on the Sailing Notice Board located in the Clubhouse. 

4              CODE OF CONDUCT 

4.1         Competitors and support persons shall comply with reasonable requests from race officials. 

5              SIGNALS MADE ASHORE 

5.1         Signals made ashore will be displayed on the Promenade flagpole or mobile mast on LV. 

6              SCHEDULE OF RACES 

6.1         The schedule of races is as published in the sailing programme. The programme will be posted on the club notice board and on the club website. If Trophy races have to be postponed, they will be rescheduled by the sailing committee and could be alongside scheduled Series Races. 

6.2         Boucher, Hayton and Constable Races; Boats with a PY of 1150 or less will be eligible to enter, all entries will be subject to the approval of the Race Committee quorum on the day. There should be a minimum of 10 entries and TWO safety boats on the water. 

6.3         The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race each day is written in the sailing programme. 

6.4 A scheduled series race or trophy race as per the club programme will only be raced if there is a minimum of 3 competitors.

7              CLASS FLAGS 

7.1         Class flags will be: 

7.2         All fleets starting together -           Flag 'Y'   

8              RACING AREA 

8.1         The racing area will be in the general confines of Llandudno Bay, except for the Boucher, Hayton and Constable races. 

9              THE COURSE 

9.1         The course will be the course as detailed on the Course Cards (using numbered course identification boards) or as directed by the Race Officer. The Course Cards indicate a PORT hand course, if a STARBORD hand course is required then a GREEN flag will fly. 

9.2         The first and subsequent rounds will commence at the start line. 

10           MARKS 

10.1      The ‘R’ is a Red Flag, ‘W’ is a White flag, ‘B’ is a Blue Flag and ‘G’ is a Green flag on orange pencil marks.

      The limit mark is a white sphere. 

11           THE START 

11.1      Starting will usually be from a Committee boat and SI 11.3(a) shall apply.

    At other times the shore start line will be used and SI 11.3(b) shall apply. 

11.2      Races will be started in accordance with The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) Rule 26 with the warning signal made 5 minutes before the starting signal. 

11.3      (a) Sea start line - between the mast on the Committee boat and the Limit mark displaying an orange flag.

    (b) Shore start - The starting line will be between the Promenade flagpole or mobile LV mast and the Limit mark. 

12           THE FINISH 

12.1      The finishing line will be between the Committee boat mast and the Limit mark, except when a boat is anchored off a mark of the course, when the finishing line will be between the mast of the boat or a staff, and the nearby rounding mark, or between the Promenade flagpole or mobile LV mast and the Limit mark. 

12.2      The race will be finished by flying a blue flag from the relevant mast (as indicated in 11.3) or a staff, accompanied by two sound signals. At the discretion of the race officer, they may finish a boat without flying a blue flag. 

12.3      If the race committee is absent when a boat finishes, she shall report her finishing time, and her position in relation to nearby boats, to the race committee at the first reasonable opportunity. 

13           TIME LIMIT 

13.1      The time limit for the first boat to finish will be approximately 50 minutes when more than one race is sailed back-to-back. The time limit for the Boucher, Hayton and Constable Trophy races will be 4 hrs.

13.2      At the Race Officers discretion, the time limit may be reduced or extended. 

14           HEARING REQUESTS 

14.1      Protestor needs to inform the following persons within ONE hour of the finish of the last race of the day that they intend to protest; R.O, Sailing Captain, Race Manager, Protestee. Protests shall be fully completed on protest forms available from the Race Officer and delivered to Race Officer or placed on the Notice Board within 24 hours of the finish of the last race of the day 

15           SCORING 

15.1      Race finishing positions will be based on average lap times. In the event of a race being. 'Abandoned', provided all entrants have completed one lap, a result will be taken using average lap times. 

15.2      Appendix A scoring will apply except for the Club Championships, when a DNC will score points equivalent to the maximum number of sailors competing in any one race +1. 

15.3      The number of races constituting a series is as published in the Programme of Races. 

15.4      Discards in Series racing and Club Championships  is 1 in 4. 

15.5      In series racing, a Duty Officer or Rescue Crew helmsman completing a scheduled duty period shall score points equal to third place, providing he completes at least one other race in that series

15.6 .  The Portsmouth Number (PY) for Merlin Rockets is 980, set by the RYA in 2023. This is adjusted for older boats racing in club handicap fleets. The current PY for the Merlin Rocket can be found in the Sailing Instructions. The table below from the Merlin Rocket association states the PY for older boats.

Year (inclusive) Sail Numbers Handicap number recommended

1999 onwards 3554 onwards Current PY number

1989-1999 3430-3553 Current PY number +10

1984-1988 3331-3429 Current PY number +20

1979-1983 3157-3330 Current PY number +30

1974-1978 2883-3156 Current PY number +40

1969-1973 2165-2832 Current PY number +50

1964-1968 1616-2164 Current PY number +60

1959-1963 895-1615 Current PY number +70

1954-1958 500-894 Current PY number +80

Before 1954 Below 500 Current PY number +90